

Pat Project


  • Access – Year-Round Logging Road Access
  • Property – 1,330 Hectares, 25km East of Horsefly, BC.
  • An Aeromagnetic anomaly that is similar in size (3km x 3km), shape and intensity to the anomaly that corresponds with the Mt. Polley Mine

Recent Programs

Four drill holes totaling 439 meters were completed in 2006. The first two holes, bottoming at 98 and 129 meters, failed to get through a succession of overlying sand and gravel. Both of these holes, located 700 meters apart, were drilled in a very strong regional magnetic anomaly that is now more intriguing given the degree of magnetic signature with this amount of cover.

One of the remaining holes, located approximately one kilometer to the north, encountered altered and weakly mineralized volcanic sediments from which the most anomalous three-meter sample contained 942 ppm copper, supporting the concept that the buried magnetic feature has porphyry copper potential.


The Pat property is contiguous and partly surrounded by the Woodjam Copper Corp. Woodjam Project.

The property is located in the Quesnel Trough, a large regional depositional belt extending 2,000 km from the U.S. border in the south to the Stikine River in the north. The region hosts several large tonnage copper-gold ‘porphyry type’ deposits including Imperial Metals’ Mount Polley Mine, Barkerville Gold’s QR Mine, Thompson Creek Metals’ Mt. Milligan deposit (in development) and Northgate’s Kemess Mine. In addition, Taseko’s Gibraltar Cu-Mo mine lies 50 km to the west of Woodjam, outside the Quesnel Trough. Quesnel Trough alkali-porphyry deposits typically occur in basalts and andesitic flows, fragmental rocks and alkalic intrusive complexes. They are generally gold-copper deposits consisting of chalcopyrite-pyrite and minor bornite sulphide mineralization. Sulphide zones are developed adjacent to concentrically-zoned alkaline plutons that are themselves seldom sulphide bearing.


Pat is 100% owned and operated by Cariboo Rose. Vizsla Copper has a First Right of Refusal on the project.

Technical Documents

  • Click here to view Report (PDF 4.75 Mb)
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