
2012 News

Vancouver, BC, March 5, 2012 – Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: CRB) (“Cariboo Rose”) is pleased to announce that Dajin Resources Corporation (TSX-V: DJI) (“Dajin”) has released results from a seven hole diamond drill program consisting of 2,740 metres completed on the Cowtrail Project during the last quarter of 2011. This program follows up on results from an earlier drill program which reported an 18.3 m intersection grading 1.16 g/t gold and 0.043% copper and investigates anomalies indicated by an Induced Polarization (“IP”) survey. Bordering the Cowtrail property to the south, Gold Fields Limited (NYSE: GFI) and Consolidated Woodjam Copper Corp. (TSX-V: WCC) have recently reported an initial resource estimate of 146.5 million tonnes at 0.33% copper for 1.06 billion pounds of copper on their Woodjam Project.

Drill hole 2011-12 of the current program intersected 0.11 g/t gold and 0.20 % copper over an interval of 38.0 m. This interval was also anomalous in molybdenum with analyses ranging up to 52 ppm as well as an additional interval of anomalous molybdenum which ranged up to 71 ppm.

Drill holes 2011-11, 2011-11A and 2011-12 were drilled into IP anomalies near the western edge of the IP grid and each hole encountered anomalous copper and gold or gold mineralization over intervals on the order of 200 m in length. The true thicknesses of these intersections are unknown. In the case of hole 2011-11, zones of gold mineralization, containing up to 0.30 g/t occurred discontinuously to the bottom of the hole at 404.85 m. The strength of the mineralization appears to increase to the west and northwest where ground geophysical data does not currently exist and where the bedrock is masked by glacial till.

Selected intervals are reported in the table below.


The core was logged and sampled in the field under the supervision of Catherine Banfield, GIT. Analysis was performed by ACME Analytical Laboratories (Vancouver) Ltd., an ISO certified facility in Vancouver BC, using the fire assay technique for gold and multi element (I.C.P) geochemical procedures for other elements using a 30 gram aliquot. Dajin implemented a comprehensive QA/QC program incorporating certified standards, blanks, field duplicates and preparation duplicates to demonstrate the adequacy of the analytical data provided by ACME.

Bill Morton, P.Geo., who is a qualified person within the context of National Instrument 43-101, has read and takes responsibility for this news release.

J.W. (Bill) Morton, P.Geo.
President and CEO
Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd.


Paul Way, Business Development Manager
Phone: (604) 681-7913, Toll Free: 888-656-6611;

About Cariboo Rose Resources Limited
Cariboo Rose Resources is a prospect generating mineral exploration company with four gold, copper and molybdenum exploration projects in British Columbia and the Yukon. Properties include the Canadian Creek copper-gold property located in the White Gold District of the Yukon optioned to Castillian Resources Corp. (TSX-V:CT); the Cowtrail gold-copper property which is a 35%/65% joint venture with Dajin Resources Corp. (TSX-V:DJI) located in the Cariboo region of south-central British Columbia; the Carruthers Pass copper-zinc-silver property in north-central British Columbia optioned to La Quinta Resources Corporation (TSX-V:LAQ); and the Pat gold-copper property in the Cariboo region of south-central British Columbia. Cariboo Rose trades on the TSX Venture exchange under the symbol “CRB”. For more information please visit the Company’s website at

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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