
2009 News

Vancouver, BC, December 8, 2009 - Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (“Cariboo Rose”) (TSX-V: CRB) and Astorius Resources Ltd. (“Astorius”) (TSX-V: ASQ) are pleased to report that drilling has now been completed on the Pat mineral property located approximately 15 kilometres east of Horsefly, in the Cariboo Region of central British Columbia.

During the program, 747 metres of NQ diamond drilling was completed in three holes. Hole 1 was terminated in overburden and did not penetrate the expected target. Holes 2 and 3 intersected bedrock and were stopped at depths of 316 and 258 metres respectively. The core is currently being logged and split prior to being sent for laboratory analyses.

The Pat project, encompassing 1,330 hectares, covers a prominent magnetic anomaly defined by government surveys within the prospective Quesnel Trough. The magnetic feature on the Pat property is approximately 4.0 kilometres across and is roughly circular.

The Pat property is bounded to the south and west by the Woodjam North property owned by Cariboo Rose and Fjordland Exploration Inc. which recently became subject to an option agreement with a member of the Gold Fields Limited group of companies (NYSE: GFI).

The Pat property is owned by Cariboo Rose and is subject to an option agreement which provides Astorius the right to earn a 60% interest in the property by completing $1.2 million dollars in exploration, paying $150,000 in cash and issuing 200,000 shares to Cariboo Rose before July 9, 2011.
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